In some cultures, wrinkles are celebrated. Deep crevices in the skin are a mark of pride, and set one aside as a wise elder, ready to lead the community. That is not the case in Australia today! Nobody loves getting wrinkles in our society: we regard wrinkles as some of the most hated lines on the human face. Thankfully, there are solutions. With huge amounts of resources and technological advances in anti-wrinkle treatments, there is effective help for people suffering from wrinkled skin.
Even with our culture's fixation on wrinkles, many people don't know about them. As dermatological experts, we often encounter questions on the subject. You may well be asking:
- Why is it that some people start getting wrinkles shortly after puberty, while others seem to advance into middle age utterly wrinkle-free?
- Are there any effective treatments for wrinkles?
- How do wrinkle treatments work, and are there any risks involved?
- What are wrinkles, exactly, and is there any way to prevent them?
In this article, we've gathered together the sum of our knowledge about wrinkles, and put it in the most accessible language possible. Read on, and you'll come to understand the science behind wrinkles, and learn some of the best wrinkle-prevention techniques. Additionally, we'll share what we know about wrinkle treatments, and even help you find solutions for achieving smooth, young-looking skin. You'll learn how to prevent wrinkles, how to get rid of wrinkles, and find out which treatments really work.
At the Victorian Dermal Group, we've helped countless people vanquish their wrinkles. Read on to find out more about how we can help with anti-ageing treatments.
What causes wrinkles?

As skin ages, it becomes less elastic. Skin cells start to divide at a slower rate, and this results in skin becoming thinner. The affected part of the skin is the middle layer, or dermis, but visual effects can be seen on the top layer of the skin, which becomes looser and riddled with small depressions.
In addition to that, skin starts to show its age in other ways. Oil is secreted less effectively, not as much moisture is maintained, and the healing process slows down. The result of all these factors is wrinkling. They tend to appear first, and most prominently in parts of the face where muscle contractions are most active (crow's feet, frown lines, and so on).
When do wrinkles start to appear?
Everybody's skin will start to wrinkle eventually, but there are genetic and circumstantial factors that can hasten or slow the onset of wrinkles. Smoking, for example, can reduce the production of new collagen, and result in people getting wrinkles at a younger age. Sun damage is also a big catalyst for wrinkle formation; excessive UV light exposure damages skin tissue and makes collagen reproduction less effective over time.
Does stress cause wrinkles?
Stress is blamed for many problematic physical developments: gaining weight, the emergency of grey hairs, just to name a few. But can stress also cause wrinkles? The answer (and try not to get stressed out about this, because that's only going to make the problem worse) is yes.
Stress can cause wrinkles in a variety of different ways. For one, the high-stress facial expression of the furrowed brow can cause lines to appear between the eyebrows and on the forehead. Secondly, stress can reduce the skin's natural elasticity by affecting the proteins in the skin, resulting in wrinkles.
Can sleeping on your side cause wrinkles?
Although we might sometimes wish they were exempt, our faces are subject to the laws of physics. As a result, long-term pressure and wear will diminish the elasticity and structural integrity of the human face. However, there is no clinical evidence that sleeping on a pillow a certain way will cause wrinkles.
Does frowning give you wrinkles?
Yes, frowning can give you wrinkles. It's enough to make you frown, which causes frown lines, which causes more frowning, and so on, sucking you into a wretched spiral of frowning and wrinkling, from which it can seem as though there is no escape.
But don't feel so bad about frowning. Remember, smiling can also give you wrinkles, in the form of crow's feet. There is no safe expression of emotion for preventing the onset of wrinkles. Rather than obsessing about what your face is doing to prevent wrinkles, a healthier and less self-conscious course of action is to focus on what you can do to your face in the form of anti-wrinkle treatments and products.
How to prevent wrinkles
Prevention is always preferable to a cure, as they say in the medical profession. Read on to discover some excellent wrinkle prevention techniques, and dispel an old wive's tale.
Stay sun safe and stop smoking

The sun's harsh rays are a leading cause of wrinkles, especially for people with pale and sensitive skin. Slip, slop and slap to keep your visage wrinkle-free for longer.
Additionally, we don't have to tell you that smoking is bad for your health. But did you know it's also bad for your skin? If you can't bring yourself to quit to save your life, at least consider quitting to prevent wrinkles.
Do facial exercises work for wrinkles?
Maybe! But in a more real and scientific sense, not really! While there are plenty of people who anecdotally swear by facial exercises to prevent and treat wrinkles, this is not backed up by scientific literature.
Does exfoliating reduce wrinkles?
Exfoliating can be a really good way of preventing wrinkles. It increases cellular turnover by getting rid of old, dead skin, and replacing it with the fresh new skin of today.
However, exfoliating really only works well in preventing wrinkles; you won't have as much luck exfoliating wrinkles out of existence once they've appeared.
Do chemical peels reduce wrinkles?
Chemical peels rejuvenate the skin and can prevent wrinkles from forming. Additionally, chemical peels may affect reducing the look of wrinkles. However, there are more targeted strategies for reducing wrinkles than chemical peels, like anti-wrinkle injections and specialised lasers.
How to get rid of wrinkles

People get wrinkles all over their faces. Here are a few of the most loathed wrinkle locations, and some remedies you might like to try.
How to get rid of forehead wrinkles and eyebrow wrinkles
Forehead wrinkles are a menace, and not everybody has the right sort of hair or head shape to grow out a fringe to hide them away. Eyebrow wrinkles can be just as pesky, emerging after a lifetime of brow furrowing. Solutions include:
- Anti-wrinkle injections (Botulinium Toxin) can reverse fine lines and stop them developing into wrinkles.
- Retinol cream can have an enormous impact on treating wrinkles. Our staff can help you find the right retinol cream, and also show you how to use retinol cream for wrinkles
- Laser treatments can rejuvenate the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines all over your face.
How to get rid of under eye wrinkles
Many people swear by under eye anti-wrinkle creams, but do anti-wrinkle creams work on under eye wrinkles? It's a complicated question, and really depends on what you mean by 'creams' and 'work'.
In short, cheap and mass-produced under eye wrinkles creams are unlikely to have much effect. However, creams with active ingredients like retinol are more likely to be successful in the treatment of wrinkles. Talk to our team about the different creams and anti-wrinkles injections available to find a safe and effective solution.
How to get rid of neck wrinkles
Neck wrinkles are a natural part of ageing, but that doesn't mean you have to take them lying down. There are several treatments for neck wrinkles, including:
- Vitamin C serums to reverse the damage caused by the sun
- Stimulate collagen production through oral treatments and lasers
Frequently asked decisions about wrinkles and anti-wrinkle treatments
Does collagen reduce wrinkles?
The reduction of collagen in the body is one of the reasons wrinkles start appearing on your face. By replenishing your body's collagen, you can slow down the appearance of wrinkles by keeping your skin young and fresh.
Does laser treatment remove wrinkles?
Laser treatment can remove and reduce wrinkles on your face, and that's not all. They're also able to help with sunspots, tattoo removal, and acne scarring. At VDG, we've helped countless people turn back the clock with laser treatments.
Can anti-wrinkle injections reverse wrinkles?
Unequivocally, yes. Anti-wrinkle injections are incredible for reversing wrinkles and restoring a youthful look to a person's skin. Talk to our team to see just how transformative anti-wrinkle injections can be for reversing wrinkles.
Is Vitamin E good for wrinkles?
Vitamin E is one of the most common ingredients in skincare products, and with good reason. Vitamin E isn't actually one thing, it refers to a group of different antioxidants that remove harmful free radicals.
Some people have an allergic reaction to Vitamin E, while others who have especially oily or acne-marked skin are discouraged from use. However, for most people, Vitamin E is good for moisturising the skin and reducing the occurrences of wrinkles.